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“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”

Helen Keller

The resolve behind education we have built at B.D. Memorial Jr. School is based on the premise that we have a part to play in shaping the future.

The School Management, Teachers and Parents are partners in achieving excellence, as well as mentors throughout the child’s unending yet joyful journey of knowledge. Our model of education becomes real and effective only because of the thoughtful support and diligence of all stakeholders.

Director's Desk

On behalf of all of us at B.D. Memorial Jr. School I am delighted to welcome you to an exciting, meaningful and blessed beginning of your children’s life long journey of discovery and learning.
“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself”, John Dewey. It is a continuous process, a harmonious and synchronized combination of skills, intellectual power and value system, preparing young minds to develop an in-depth understanding of fundamental skills in different subjects, current world events, intercultural dialogue and fluency in the new technologies, thus enabling them to be worthy global citizens.
Toddler and Kindergarten years of children are filled with exploration of true potential. The brain of a child grows at a very fast pace during this time which is why it becomes essential to lay a strong foundation in the formative years. Children in their early years need time to play and be physically active. They need to be provided with a constructive and holistic learning environment where their curiosity is fed not just by way of knowledge but positive experiences. Our main emphasis is on fostering the ‘joy of learning’, language enrichment and early communication. Child – centric pedagogy continues into primary years, emphasising on inquiry and project-based learning.
It gives me a sense of pride to say that at B.D. Memorial Jr. School we do our best to craft an atmosphere where you can find the great Indian culture and tradition along with the modern Indian glorious achievements and ethos. The management strongly believes in partnership between students, parents, teachers and support staff, thus creating a positive environment to empower students in both local and global perspectives. Our schools are schools with a difference, valuing individualism, creativity and innovation.
Let us together give children roots to stay grounded and wings to fly high!
Mrs. Suman Sood Director B.D. Memorial Jr. School

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