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Learning never stops


Each moment can be an “Ahaa moment” ! This is the first thing I have learnt from young children. Their boundless energy and curiosity is inspiring. Having worked as an early childhood educator for more than 35 years, you surely become a lifelong learner!

Few such experiences have been etched in my mind. While doing a non fire activity of making the Bengal Special Jhaal Moorie, I learnt patience, focus and concentration from a 3 year old, who unoblivious of his surroundings or other children picked up each grain of Moorie and put it in the bowl to mix it up as a snack!

Each child is unique, each child is different, sounds good theoretically! But you only learn to practise this while working with them! There are so many different ways they learn. A simple thing like watching children playing with blocks has reinforced my concept of viewing a situation or an idea from different angles.

As a teacher there are moments when you knowingly or unknowingly have the power of changing the child’s life completely. This became even more evident when a child whom I taught in Class three, reconnected on Facebook after 14 years and told me that his life changed when I gave him the responsibility of being a book corner monitor. Before this he thought he had no capability for doing anything!

How adaptable children are! Haven’t we all learnt this from the present Covid situation?

Their unconditional love, looking up to you as a demi God is perhaps your greatest reward as an educator.

I have truly learnt from these little ones and am still learning that “The race to excellence has no finishing line”!

Suman Sood, Director, B.D. Memorial Jr. School, ECA National Core Committee Member